Lesson 4:
The Bible
To sum this whole lesson up, the bible is the word of God, however there is so much more to unveil about the bible. In order to fully understand God, we need to go a bit deeper than just saying the bible is his word! The bible is made up of 66 books with many different genres and writing styles. It was written by about 40 people over about 1500 years. Some authors of the books were fisherman, others were kings, prophets, farmers, or doctors. Yet with all of these books having different authors, different genres, and being written in different times, we see a unity of one story that points towards Jesus, the son of God. The reason for this unity is because the bible was really written by one author, God. We believe that although human hands physically etched ink to paper, the bible was written by God, or as some say, God inspired. This means that God told the authors what to write, and they wrote is exactly as God told them, meaning the bible is perfect and has no errors. That is why we call it the word of God, because it really is Gods words written for us.
A Brief Summary by gotquestions.org -
God created man and placed him in a perfect environment; however, man rebelled against God and fell from what God intended him to be. God placed the world under a curse because of sin but immediately set in motion a plan to restore humanity and all creation to its original glory. As part of His plan of redemption, God called Abraham out of Babylonia into Canaan (about 2000 B.C.). God promised Abraham, his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob (also called Israel) that He would bless the world through a descendant of theirs. Israel’s family emigrated from Canaan to Egypt, where they grew to be a nation. About 1400 B.C., God led Israel’s descendants out of Egypt under the direction of Moses and gave them the Promised Land, Canaan, as their own. Through Moses, God gave the people of Israel the Law and made a covenant (testament) with them. If they would remain faithful to God and not follow the idolatry of the surrounding nations, then they would prosper. If they forsook God and followed idols, then God would destroy their nation. About 400 years later, during the reigns of David and his son Solomon, Israel was solidified into a great and powerful kingdom. God promised David and Solomon that a descendant of theirs would rule as an everlasting king. After Solomon’s reign, the nation of Israel was divided. The ten tribes to the north were called “Israel,” and they lasted about 200 years before God judged them for their idolatry. Assyria took Israel captive about 721 B.C. The two tribes in the south were called “Judah,” and they lasted a little longer, but eventually they, too, turned from God. Babylon took them captive about 600 B.C. About 70 years later, God graciously brought a remnant of the captives back into their own land. Jerusalem, the capital, was rebuilt about 444 B.C., and Israel once again established a national identity. Thus, the Old Testament closes.
The New Testament opens about 400 years later with the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Jesus was the descendant promised to Abraham and David, the One to fulfill God’s plan to redeem mankind and restore creation. Jesus faithfully completed His work—He died for sin and rose from the dead. The death of Christ is the basis for a new covenant (testament) with the world. All who have faith in Jesus will be saved from sin and live eternally. After His resurrection, Jesus sent His disciples to spread the news everywhere of His life and His power to save. Jesus’ disciples went in every direction spreading the good news of Jesus and salvation. They traveled through Asia Minor, Greece, and all the Roman Empire. The New Testament closes with a prediction of Jesus’ return to judge the unbelieving world and free creation from the curse.
If the bible is the word of God like we believe, then it is a way for us to get to know God better! The bible is full of Gods wisdom and is the greatest place to learn about God. The bible has infinite depth, and no matter how many times you read it, you can learn something new each time. When we read the bible it reorients our thoughts and pushes us into spiritual maturity. When we read, we grow! When we know the bible, we can better serve God. If we want to back what we believe, then we need to know what God says about things. Bible verses help affirm the things we believe to be true, and corrects us in things we believe that aren’t true. Its like the ultimate guide book to life. Not only does the bible guide us, but it answers some of the deepest questions we can ask like; What is the purpose to life? Where did I come from? Is there life after death? How do I get to heaven? Why is the world full of evil? Why do I struggle to do good? All of the answers to these questions and so much more is all in the bible! To sum it all up the bible is useful for
Getting to know God better
Answer lifes deepest questions
Renews our minds and grow in spiritual maturity
To guide us in living a righteous life
Here are a few verses for you to reflect on:
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - 16 - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work
Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Many christians today dont know why they believe the bible is true. For a lot of christians, having faith that the bible is true is good enough for them. However, for people that need more concrete evidence, there are many factors that prove the bible is true! The fact that it has so many historical copies, or the fact that all copies are almost identical, are just a couple ways that archaology has helped to prove the legitimacy of the bible. The bible also has may prophecies in it that have been fulfilled exactly how the bible said it would. The bibles consistency over a thousand years of writing and the effects it has on peoples lives also cement the bible as a legit book! There is to much evidence to put in this lesson, but if you are curious to learn more there will be a bunch of links that will take you to websites to do some more research.
If the bible is so important, then how to we study it and learn from it? The truth is there is no perfect way to study the bible. I will give you my strategy for reading and studying the bible, and then I’ll give you some tips to help you get started. Before I start reading there is 2 things I do. The first thing is choose what to read. I either pick a topic that is relevant to me, or I pick a book that interests me. Before beginning my reading, I pray a quick prayer that goes simething like this:
“God, please reveal yourself to me as I read these words. Would you teach me where I need teaching, and encourage me where I need encouragement. Help me to learn more about who you are as I read your word. Amen”
Then I start reading! Normally I read a chapter or 2 a day, depending on how long the chapters are. I try not to read to much, so that I can really think and reflect on everything I just read. Try and think about what each verse means as you read. Why was it written this way? Who is this verse for? What does it mean to me? Finally, I take 5-10 minutes to sit and reflect on the verses I just read as a whole. I take some time to pause and listen to hear what God is trying to say to me. This is normally the hardest part, because it is so easy to get distracted and think about other things. However, it is often the most impactful moments for me and leads to the most growth.
Set aside a time every day to read your bible. Make it a consistent time and build it into a habit so that it doesn’t get pushed aside in the business of life.
Try to do a reading plan with a friend! Having friends to read with will help keep you accountable to make sure you are actually reading. I used to make bets with my friends like “Whoever forgets their bible reading first, owes the other person dinner.”
Try and use a physical paper bible. Often times a digital bible can be distracting and will take away time for you to be with God reading his word. Set yourself up for success, and create a space for you to be fully focused on God.
What is the bible?
Why should we read the bible?
Why is reading the bible important?
How do we know the bible is true?
How do we know the bible is true?
More ways to study the bible:
How to study the bible: