Lesson 3:
The Holy Spirit
The question is not necessarily what is the Holy Spirit, but instead WHO is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is part of the trinity, and is the Spirit of God. To put it in a simple phrase, the Holy Spirit is the presence of God. The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is a person with feelings, emotions, and a will. The Holy Spirit has been around since creation, with Genesis talking about Gods Spirit hovering over the waters. It is a spirit that sustains all life, and works in the lives of all believers. The Holy Spirit is described as the hands of God, setting things into motion and carrying out Gods will on earth. The Holy Spirit helps us to live a righteous life in a world full of darkness and pain. The Holy Spirit enables us to have transformed hearts and minds, and through Him we can see miracles! When Jesus left earth and ascended into heaven He tells his disciples that the Holy Spirit will teach them, and remind them of everything they have learned. There is so much that the Holy Spirit does, and throughout your walk with Jesus, you will see the Spirit move in many different ways. As you continue on this path, keep your eyes open to see the ways the Holy Spirit is teaching you or guiding you to walk in the plan God has for you!
The Holy Spirit is important because as Christians we rely on Him for so much. For us as individual Christians, the Holy Spirit teaches us, comforts us, guides us, reminds us, counsels us, prompts us, and advocates for us. We need the Holy Spirit to walk in the fullness of our relationship with God. Its having God with you wherever you go. The Holy Spirit also convicts us when we do something wrong. Sometimes refer to the Holy Spirit as your conscious, guiding you and helping you decide between right and wrong. The Holy Spirit is our access to Gods power to do things that bring glory to God. The Holy Spirit gives visions, dreams, wisdom, and healing to those who need it. Finally, the Holy Spirit has power to change lives. When we tell someone about Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins a work in their heart, revealing Himself to them at the right time. We need the Holy Spirit to carry out the great commission set out by Jesus for us to fulfill.
When you accept Jesus into your life as your Lord and savior, you gain access to the Holy Spirit. The easiest part is accepting Him, the hardest part is living a life with awareness of the Holy Spirit. It lives inside of you, but you still have to go out of your way to understand it, and us it. Its like getting a new car! If you buy a car but keep it in the garage, then you aren’t truly enjoying what you bought. If you accept Jesus into your life, but aren’t aware of the Holy Spirit and the power it has to change lives, then you arent fully enjoying the salvation Jesus gave you!
Verses for you to reflect on:
John 14:16 - And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.
1 Corinthians 3:16 - Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
Acts 1:8 - But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 139:7-8 - Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
Extra Resources:
Who is the Holy Spirit:
Who is the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit (Video):
The Holy Spirit in my life: